The Vamps music video

Narrative and Performance
I would say that the music video to 'Somebody To You' is both narrative and performance. This is because it includes the group playing guitars and singing whilst also following a story line, assumingly, about the boys going after girls. However, the music video is predominantly performance as the majority of the video features many camera angles and shots of the group performing on a beach.

All locations shown in this video are closely connected as the aim is for the group to be portrayed as they are stranded on an island. The main locations throughout the music video is a beach as it is where the group predominantly show their performance.

the scenes throughout relate a lot to summer as the backgrounds are bright and natural, therefore the props used in the video connect as they use things such as rubber rings, cocktails, sunbeds etc - all connect to summer. However, the clothing the group wears contrasts the summer theme as they are wearing ripped jeans and leather jackets which can be perceived as portraying a dark, dull theme.

Camera angles
The music video features many different types of angles. However, many of the common camera angles are used such as high shots, low shots, medium shots, close ups etc. A POV shot is used on the lead singer and at the beginning of the video an establishing shot is also used which includes the names of all the singers.

diegetic sound is used in the establishing shot with the waves and the singers laugh. 


  1. A great analysis of this music video. In your next analysis try to develop your use of terminology even further and focus on genre (how is this pop?)


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