Music Video Production Diary

Editing Process

The establishing shot for my music video is a time-lapse of the sunset - I decided to place my logo over the top of that video and fade it away into the background. I felt that this highlighted the music company which was important for the viewers to know as it highlights the work of that company. Also there is some digetic sound of wind over this establishing shot to give a sense of realism. 
This shot is the first view of both characters in the music video, and also the first view of the artist, 'Cave'. It is one of the longer shots throughout the video as I wanted to make most shots flow with the beat of the song and I thought this longer lasting scene made the others fit perfectly. The music also starts at the beginning of this shot to ensure the video lasted around 3 minutes to fulfil the brief.

I have used the 'dramatic warm' filter on each of my shots to create an atmosphere and go against the norms of an average music video.

This shot zooms into a note that has been left. I think this is important for the understanding of the story line as it helps the viewers to follow throughout. I used a zoom shot, which is also one of the longer shots in my music video so the audience can view the writing - I feel that it also creates emphasis on the woman leaving.

 This is the last shot of my video which i think is important as it leaves an audience at ease, knowing that this is a reliable music company. i have used the 'Ken Burns' effect on this last shot so it zooms in, creating emphasis on the company.                                                                           


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