Shooting Script

1. The establishing shot will be a moving shot of a rural countryside out of a car window with the logo fading into the background.  The next shot will be a zoom shot that will focus on a girl sitting in a chair with minimal props in the background – this will represent emptiness. The shot will zoom into her face

Black and white FX
No narration
0:00 – 0:15 (before actual song)
Music production company and song title will fade into the establishing shot
Diegetic music of the song playing on the radio
2. The shot focuses on a girl in bed and zooms out to the artist and her.0-6 Then low shot of the girls slippers with her stepping into them which follows her out of the room.6-11 The scene ends with the door closing behind her 11-12
A medium shot of girl putting on lip gloss 12-14 far shot of her closing bathroom door. (14-18) Then closing front door as she leaves for work (18-20)
“What if I left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hand baby, never mind, never mind. What if I left and it made no sense and you tell your friends and they hold your hands” …
0:00 – 0:20
The door slams match with the beat of the song
3. Side view of car going down a road. (20-23) side shot of girl in car and close up shot of her looking in the mirror (23-26) close up of hands taking wedding ring off (26-30)
“Alright, I’m ready now, ready now, I ain’t gonna, I ain’t gonna fall down, no
 Alright, I’ll take it on, take it on me, take it on me, hmm, baby”…
0:20 – 0:30

4.  Birdseye shot of boy waking up in bed. 30-35 Then side shot of boy reaching to get phone. Ultra close-up of boy texting girl about dinner 38-45. Over shoulder shot of girl receiving text and ignoring it then she drives off. 45-50 
“All I ever ask, ever ask are you gonna, are you gonna be my lover?
Tonight, and take it with, take It with me, take it with me
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What If I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends” …
0:30 – 0:50
5. Zoom shot of the girl in a chair with mascara down her face. 50-57 Then cuts to a long shot and birds eye shot of boy making food. 57-59
Clock with time on. 59-60 Long shot of girl walking into a bar with a boy acknowledges text but ignores it. 60-64 Then close up shot of clock with time on 64-65 and a moving shot that turns into a birds eye view of boy sitting at table. 65-68 ultra-close-up shot of phone and boy texting girl. 68-72
“and they hold your hands Baby, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind”…
0:50 – 1:12
Black and White FX when girl is sitting on chair (returns back to original FX in the next scene)

6. Low close-up shot of girl walking across stones (1:12- 14) medium shot of girl getting into bed 14-16 Birds eye of boy lying awake. 16-18 Inside shot of wardrobe with doors opening and girl packing her bags. 16-17 Medium shot of her packing bags in room.17-21 Then an over shoulder shot of her writing a note 21-25 Inside view of car boot and girl throwing bag in car. 25-26 Shot follows car off drive. 26-28
“………. Alright, I'm ready now, ready now
I ain't gonna, I ain't gonna stop right now, no
Alright, I'll take it on, take it on me
Take it on me, hmm, baby”…
1:12 – 1:28
7. Extreme close-up shots of boy picking up flowers in a shop. 28-29 Long shot of him walking up the drive with flowers in hand in a suit. 29-31 Close-up shot of door handle opening and boy walks in. 31-34 Medium shot of him reading the note and scrunches it up. 34-38 A medium shot which moves in circles around the boy whilst he throws his flowers and continuously switch to girl sitting on chair with mascara down her face 38-45.
All I ever ask, ever ask
Do you wanna, do you wanna
 see my fire
Tonight, and take it with, take it with me
Take it with me, hmm baby
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind”
1:28 – 1:45
Slow motion FX
Black and White FX
8. Medium shot of boy cleaning house and comes across a photo and clothes (45-50) rushes to front door 50-52 tracking shot of boy running down road 52-55 medium shot of him jumping over fence 55-56 POV shot of boy burning clothes and photos 56-2:05 Close up shot of him finding a sentimental photo which he slips in his pocket, medium shot. 5-9 low angle of him walking away from fire back to his house. 9-14
“What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind”
1:45 – 2:14
Slow motion FX
9. Far shot of boy walking up his drive looking at the photo he kept. Over shoulder shot of girl sat on doorstep with bags. Side shot of boy walking towards her. Medium shot of the couple hugging  Low shot of him handing her the photo. POV from girl perspective of boy slamming door behind him. Side shot of girl tearing up the photo and walking away. 21-25
Never mind, never mind
Never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if..”
2:14 – 2:25
10 .0Time lapse of sky 25-27 Zoom shot of girl and boy on chair 27-29 Time lapse of sky 29-31 Zoom shot of girl and boy on chair 31-33 Time lapse of sky 33-34 zooms into girl and boy sits down with diegetic sound of door slamming. 34-45

“I left and it made no sense and tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind
What if I left and it made no sense
And you tell your friends
And they hold your hands
Baby, never mind, never mind
Never mind, never mind”
2:25 – 2:45


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