Shot List

1)       Establishing shot – time lapse of sky with logo fading into it
2)       Zoom shot of a girl on a chair
3)       Zoom shot of girl in bed with boy
4)       Close-up of girl’s face looking unhappy
5)       Birdseye shot of them both in bed
6)       Medium shot of girl sitting up
7)       Low shot of girl’s slippers which follows her out of the room
8)       Medium shot of door closing
9)       Over-shoulder shot of girl putting on lipstick
10)   Side view of girl looking stressed and messing with hair
11)   Far shot of girl closing bathroom door and walking down the stairs
12)   Low shot of girl walking down the stairs
13)   Medium shot of front door closing
14)   Side shot of car going down road
15)   Front shot of girl’s face driving and pulling up in a car
16)   Side shot of girl looking in mirror
17)   Close – up shot of girl taking off wedding ring
18)   Birds eye shot of boy waking up in bed
19)   Side shot of boy reaching to grab his phone
20)   Extreme close-up shot of boy texting girl
21)   Over shoulder shot of girl receiving text
22)   Zoom shot of girl in chair with mascara down her face
23)   Long shot of boy making food
24)   Low shot of boy making food
25)   Close up of clock
26)   Close up of girl’s phone with time on
27)   Extreme close up of boy texting girl
28)   Medium shot of girl checking phone and ignoring text
29)   Long shot of girl and different boy walking into bar
30)   Close up shot of clock
31)   High shot of boy sitting at table with candles and food
32)   Low shot of girl walking across driveway
33)   Medium shot of her getting into bed
34)   Birds eye shot of boy lying awake
35)   Inside shot of wardrobe and girl opening doors
36)   Medium shot of her packing her bags
37)   Over shoulder shot of her writing note
38)   Inside view of her car boot and throwing in bag
39)   Shot follows car drive off
40)   Zoom shot of girl on chair with mascara down face
41)   Close up of boy picking up flowers in shop
42)   Medium shot of boy walking in the door with flowers
43)   Medium shot of him reading note and scrunching it up
44)   A low shot of boy throwing flowers everywhere
45)   A medium shot which goes in circles around the boy throwing flowers
46)   Continuously switches to girl on chair and boy throwing flowers
47)   Medium shot of boy cleaning house and coming across photos of girl
48)   Low shot of him running downstairs
49)   Tracking shot of boy running down street
50)   Pan shot of boy jumping over fence
51)   POV shot of boy burning clothes  
1)       Shot goes in circles around boy and fire
2)       Close up of sentimental photo which he slips in his pocket
3)       Far shot of boy looking at photo walking up the drive
4)       Over shoulder shot of girl sat on doorstep
5)       Medium shot of them hugging
6)       POV shot of boy slamming door on face
7)       Side shot of girl tearing up the photo
8)       Time lapse of the sky
9)       Zoom shot of girl on chair with mascara down face

10)   Zoom shot of boy closing door and sitting down on chair (diegetic sounds)


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